
Brewfile is a feature of brew, also referred to as brew bundle.

With brewfile you can install in a declarative way stuff like:

  • normal packages (like as brew install package)
  • taps (like as brew tap homebrew/cask)
  • casks (like as brew install --cask package)
  • mas (Mac App Store packages, like as mas install package)
  • whalebrew (like as whalebrew install repo/docker-image)


From scratch

Create a file called Brewfile whenever you want (for example in home directory) and type brew bundle in a terminal to let brew read, update and install everything.

From existing system

If you have already packages installed and you don’t want to write a Brewfile from scratch, you can dump your packages with brew bundle dump.

Force cleanup

If you want your Brewfile to match 1:1 with your system, you can use brew bundle cleanup --force to remove all packages that are not in your Brewfile.


Example of a Brewfile, taken from the Official Github repository:

# 'brew tap'
tap "homebrew/cask"
# 'brew tap' with custom Git URL
tap "user/tap-repo", ""
# set arguments for all 'brew install --cask' commands
cask_args appdir: "~/Applications", require_sha: true

# 'brew install'
brew "imagemagick"
# 'brew install --with-rmtp', 'brew services restart' on version changes
brew "denji/nginx/nginx-full", args: ["with-rmtp"], restart_service: :changed
# 'brew install', always 'brew services restart', 'brew link', 'brew unlink mysql' (if it is installed)
brew "mysql@5.6", restart_service: true, link: true, conflicts_with: ["mysql"]

# 'brew install --cask'
cask "google-chrome"
# 'brew install --cask --appdir=~/my-apps/Applications'
cask "firefox", args: { appdir: "~/my-apps/Applications" }
# always upgrade auto-updated or unversioned cask to latest version even if already installed
cask "opera", greedy: true
# 'brew install --cask' only if '/usr/libexec/java_home --failfast' fails
cask "java" unless system "/usr/libexec/java_home --failfast"

# 'mas install'
mas "1Password", id: 443987910

# 'whalebrew install'
whalebrew "whalebrew/wget"